The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior


Head of the Administration

Mladen Mariæ was born on 12 June 1979 in the town of Prnjavor. He finished the Secondary School of the Interior in 1998 in Banja Luka, then the Police Academy in Belgrade, Serbia, in 2002, and in 2014 he completed his master studies at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade. He was employed with the Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior in 1998 as an intern at Prnjavor Public Security Station. So far, he performed tasks at the following positions at the Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior: traffic security inspector, police inspector, inspector, deputy commander, and then the commander of the Traffic Security Police Station Banja Luka. In 2010, he became the head of the Department for Traffic Security, and the end of 2011, he became the head of the Unit for traffic security. In 2012, he became the head of Banja Luka Public Security Centre, and in February 2015, he performed the tasks of the deputy to the head of the Police Administration. In March 2018, he became the head of the Training Centre. Mr Mariæ was appointed head of the Administration for Organised and Serious Crime in December 2020.


Centar za obuku "Zalužani", Kuljanska bb, 78000 Banja Luka


Duties of the Administration for countering organized and serious crime are the following:
� to supervise and control the legality of work of the organizational units;
� to perform activities on preventing, detecting, and implementing the direct investigation of criminal offences determined by the Law on Countering Corruption, Organized and Most Serious Forms of Economic Crime;
� to work on cases related to the aforementioned offences delegated from other organizational units;
� to search and arrest the perpetrators of criminal offences of organized crime;
� to undertake activities of arresting and bringing in perpetrators to the competent prosecutor�s office, based on the order of the prosecutor�s office and in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and Criminal Code;
� to collect intelligence and evidence on the aforementioned forms of crime;
� to monitor and analyze the security situation and circumstances that may lead to emergence and development of organized crime;
� to organize and perform criminalistics-operational and professional tasks;
� to undertake all investigation activities in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and based on the order of a preliminary proceeding judge;
� to organize, manage directly, and participate in certain actions in the field of preventing and detecting the most complex criminal offences, and detecting and arresting their perpetrators;
� to direct, supervise, and coordinate operational activities on collecting information; to analyze the collected information and direct their use for operational purposes;
� to suggest undertaking measures and actions in future, and cooperate with other organizational units, keep prescribed records, and undertake information protection measures;
� to collect criminal intelligence for persons for whom there is information that they are perpetrators of criminal offences or who are related to committing criminal offences, as well as for persons against whom the criminal investigation was opened in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code;
� to cooperate with state bodies, the Service for the revision of public sector, the Indirect Taxation Administration, Tax Administration, and other financial institutions regarding activities important for efficient prevention and detection of the most complex forms of crime, and with police agencies of other countries regarding criminal intelligence work as well;
� to participate in selecting and educating police officers regarding criminal intelligence activities and undercover investigations;
� to provide investigators with a cover story and logistic support;
� to introduce an undercover investigator and informant with the case in accordance with the provisions from the Criminal Procedure Code;
� to provide professional assistance to public security centres and supervise performing activities in that field;
� to participate in making normative acts, reports, and other professional materials;
� to assess, plan, and execute actions with other employees with public authorisations in order to efficiently counter crime;
� to perform other activities in their competence. Crime Police Administration Duties Duties of the Crime Police Administration are the following:
� to process the most complex criminal offences;
� to control, monitor, and instructively direct the activities of all organizational and support units of crime police in performing tasks of countering and detecting criminal offences in the field of economic crime, general crime, with the support of criminal intelligence analysis, forensic methods and means, special operation activities and searches;
� to supervise the legality of work of the organizational and support units related to activities on countering and detecting criminal offences, finding and arresting perpetrators of criminal offences and providing necessary evidence for successful conducting of criminal proceedings;
� to suggest measures, define deadlines, determine the duties of a public security centre in the field of controlling ordered measures; to monitor the realization, suggest sanctions and improvement measures;
� to monitor, study, and analyze the situation, movements and forms of crime and the application of forensic methods, criminal intelligence analysis and special operational activities;
� to direct work of other organizational units in the field of crime;
� to undertake measures for improving organization, performing activities and improving the efficiency in countering and detecting crime;
� to prepare bylaws regulating the activities and procedure for countering crime;
� to prepare programs for professional training and specialization;
� to prepare analytical and information materials in their competence;
� to realize the necessary cooperation with other state bodies;
� to announce and issue warrants and announcements;

Organizational chart