The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior

Administration for Police Support

Head of the Administration

Bulevar Desanke Maksimoviæ Street 4, 78000 Banja Luka


The Administration for Police Support conducts the following activities:
� improving lawful procedures and activities of organisational segments of the Ministry through providing support to all lines of work;
� direct engagement in most complex operational activities, investigations and other activities from their scope of activities;
� performing certain operational and instructive activities,
� by the order of the Director, visiting organisational units and sectors with the aim of informing the management about Director�s orders and decisions, as well as controlling and monitoring the activities implementing Director�s decisions;
� performing preventive and educational activities;
� monitoring the application of regulations in the field of police affairs;
� coordinating organisational units of the police with the aim of consolidating and providing guidelines, suggestions and opinions about drafts and proposals of laws and bylaws that are significant for the functioning of the police;
� providing professional legal assistance when directly performing police activities and applying authorisations;
� directing and organizing cooperation between the police and state bodies, local self-government bodies, NGOs, associations of citizens and other entities with the aim of raising the level of the safety of citizens and their property;
� participating in and realising the harmonization process when applying projects and activities for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency and the results of the police work;
� performing activities related to monitoring and control;
� instructively directing and monitoring the legality of activities and tasks in the field of forensic techniques and anti-diversion protection and pyrotechnics;
� studying, finding, improving, and applying scientific and technical methods and means;
� participating in drafting and realisation of equipping programmes;
� monitoring the equipment and technical means and providing that forensic and EOD services are timely equipped;
� preparing instructions, guidelines and other directing documents that regulate the work and activities, collecting and processing information about all forms of crime, especially cyber-crime and organised crime, illegal production and trade of narcotic drugs; planning and proactively and reactively collecting, assessing and analysing intelligence;
� directing, monitoring and coordinating operational activities related to collecting data, analysing collected data and directing their use for operational purposes;
� providing recommendations for undertaking further measures and actions;
� cooperating with other organisational units;
� keeping regulated records and implementing the measures of data protection;
� collecting criminal intelligence for persons for who there is information that they are perpetrators of criminal offences or are related to the commission of criminal offences, as well as persons who are under criminal investigation in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of both the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and by the orders issued by courts or prosecutor�s offices;
� cooperating with other bodies of state administration and police agencies from other countries while performing activities related to criminal intelligence;
� participating in the selection of and education of police officers related to criminal intelligence activities, as well as undercover investigations;
� participating in the infiltration of investigators and providing them with logistic support;
� introducing the undercover investigator and informer to the case in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code;
� providing professional support to public security centres, and monitoring activities in that field;
� participating in drafting normative documents, reports and other professional materials;
� performing other activities in its scope of activities.

Organizational chart