The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior
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| Banja Luka | Friday, 31/07/2015

Yesterday, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska, Mr. Dragan Lukač, and the Commander of Special Police Unit, Mr. Dragan Ribić, attended the selection session of candidates for the cadets of 5th class for the members of Special Police Unit. Minister Lukač observed the candidates in the borough of Krupa na Vrbasu trying to overcome obstacles in water environment, and this is the part of selection process where mental and physical endurance of candidates under this type of conditions is tested.

This is just one of the checks in the selection process of knowledge, capabilities, skills and personality features which candidates have to go through and which are performed in accordance with previously standardized methods, rules and techniques. This way, taking into account the results of their psychological and physical abilities, the selection between several qualified candidates is conducted. After that, the selected candidates participate in professional training at the Police Academy in Banja Luka and then in the training programme with Special Police Unit.

Mr. Mile Šikman, head of Administration for Police Education, was also present during the process of selection.

More than 600 candidates applied to the competition to be selected for the 5th class of cadets for the members of Special Police Unit, out of which top 40 who satisfy all the defined criteria will be selected for specialized education and further professional training.

The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior has already educated and trained four generations of cadets in order to meet the needs of Special Police Unit, and this manner of selection of candidates has proved to be extremely useful for the results achieved later in the work of the members of the Special Police Unit. For this reason, other police agencies from neighbouring countries showed interest for this type of candidate selection system.