The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior
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| Novi Grad | Tuesday, 27/10/2015

On 26 October 2015, police officers from the Police Station Kostajnica were informed that a minor from the municipality of Kostajnica possessed a certain amount of military equipment in his house and that he had previously bought the equipment from a person from the municipality of Novi Grad whose initials are M. R.

On the same day, based on the consent of prosecutor on duty of District Prosecutor's Office in Banja Luka and by the order of preliminary proceedings judge of Basic Court Novi Grad, a search was performed on two locations of the area of the municipality of Novi Grad. The searches were performed in Branka Ćopića Street in Novi Grad, in a house used by a person whose initials are D. S. and her minor son, and in the house whose owner is M. R. By performing the search of the aforementioned locations, the police officers found and seized shortened semi-automatic rifle, shortened carbine, modified light machine gun, a mine with a homemade electrical detonator, 5 frames for light machine gun, 159 bullets and a jar with undetermined amount of gunpowder.

Documenting and completion of the evidence regarding this case is in process, after which a crime report on the committed criminal offence ‘Illegal Manufacturing and Trade of Weapons or Explosive Substances’ against M. R. born in 1996, from Novi Grad, is going to be submitted to the District Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka, Branch Office in Prijedor.