The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior
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| Banja Luka | Monday, 02/11/2015

On the occasion of marking the 23rd anniversary of forming the Sixth Squad of the Special Police Brigade, organized by the Special Police Unit, the ceremony was held at the base located in the borough of Trn, near Banja Luka. In addition, the memorial service was held and the wreaths were laid at the memorial to the fallen soldiers of the Sixth Squad.  Later, the war path of the Squad was presented in a documentary.

The ceremony began when the Commander Dragan Ribić submitted the report to Milorad Dodik, the President of the Republic of Srpska, after which the muster of the Special Police Unit followed. Then, the memorial service was held for the members of the Sixth Squad, who died defending the Republic of Srpska during the war and after that the wreaths were laid at the memorial. Also, the movie ’’Forward to victory’’ was shown at the ceremony, presenting the bravery of the Sixth Squad members, the path of the war and the battles the Squad members fought in the most difficult battlefields.

Describing the war path of the Special Police Squad, Commander Ribić pointed out that its members died bravely and with dignity on the first line of the battlefield protecting the territory of the Republic of  Srpska.

In addition, Minister Lukač, who was the second war Commander of the Sixth Squad, also emphasized that bravery and sacrifice of the members of the Sixth Squad and the whole Special Police Brigade must not be forgotten.

Minister Lukač stressed that the duty of the police was to protect the Republic of  Srpska for whose existence many members of the Police and the Army of the Republic of  Srpska lost their lives in the defensive-patriotic war.

In his speech, the President Dodik pointed out that the Special Police Unit has to strengthen its capacities in order to be ready in every moment to respond to potential safety challenge in the Republic of  Srpska and be the pillar of its stability.

The Sixth Squad of the Special Police Brigade was formed on 1 November 1992. The members of the Sixth Squad fought in the battlefields throughout the whole territory of the Republic of Srpska and some of the actions were: participating in the extension of the Koridor, putting an end to the breakthrough of the enemies at the location of Alibegovića Kosa on the territory of the city of Bihać, taking the point 850 at Žuča- the Sarajevo battlefield in 1993, and participating in the action of rescuing civilians from the municipality of Dvor na Uni.

From the total number of 144 members of the Special Police Brigade who lost their lives for creating and defending the Republic of Srpska, 13 of them were the members of the Sixth Squad.

The Prime Minister Željka Cvijanović, the Police Director of the Republic of Srpska Gojko Vasić, the family members of the fallen soldiers, as well as many other guests also attended this ceremony.