The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior
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| Banja Luka | Monday, 16/12/2019

       The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior is going to participate again this year in the preventive campaign ‘’Not a Single Drop of Alcohol before Driving’’, which started today on the territory of the Republic of Srpska.     
      The campaign, in addition to the Republic of Srpska MoI, will be implemented by the Ministry of Traffic and Communications, Administration for Inspection Affairs of the Republic of Srpska, Traffic Safety Agency, Auto-Moto Association of the Republic of Srpska, and local self-government units.
      The aim of this preventive campaign is to reduce the number of drivers who are under the influence of alcohol and involved in traffic and to have an effect on them to improve traffic safety through their responsible behaviour during the holidays.
      Head of the Police Unit for Traffic Security, Mr. Goran Amidžić, said at press conference that the Republic of Srpska MoI had taken a series of planned measures to reduce the number of traffic accidents, and that in 2019 these measures produced results. He stated that this year there were 131 traffic accidents less compared to the same period last year, the number of fatalities decreased by 7, the number of people seriously injured decreased by 51, and the number of people slightly injured by 291. He added that 34,600 more warrants were issued this year or 261,297 offenders were sanctioned for traffic minor offences. In addition, 18,203 drivers were excluded from traffic because of driving under the influence of alcohol, which is an increase of 4,118 or 29.5 percent compared to 11 months of last year.
       The campaign ‘’ ’Not a Single Drop of Alcohol before Driving’’ is going to be implemented until January 31, 2020.