The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior
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| Banja Luka | Monday, 22/07/2024

From 22 to 26 July, the Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior organised a five-day activity of voluntary blood donation in which about 500 members of the Ministry participated.     

The Republic of Srpska Minister of the Interior, Mr Siniša Karan, said that the members of the Ministry consider their voluntary blood donation also as a form of their duty, in addition to the obligation to protect the Republic of Srpska and their citizens.

‘Many members of our Ministry donate blood regularly, without waiting for an organised activity, since they do not consider it as a special act, but as a part of their job. This is a great value of the Ministry of the Interior’, Minister Karan said.

He added that, through the education of police officers, the intention is to identify their ethical and moral character both as individuals and as a part of the whole Ministry, which is very important from the aspect of mutual respect of citizens and police officers.  

‘Maybe it is this day, or these days, that the blood of our police officer would save somebody’s life, their relative or friend. These are the people who would act and protect in any situation, not only where it is obligatory’, Minister Karan said.

 He explained that the activity of voluntary blood donation is the second one organised by the Republic of Srpska Minsitry of the Interior within ten police administrations, and that there would be more similar activities by the end of the year. Minister also said that so far this year, more than 800 police officers in the Republic of Srpska had donated blood.

The acting Director of the Institute for Transfusion Medicine of the Republic of Srpska, Mr Strahinja Jurišić, thanked the members of the Ministry of the Interior for their blood donations, their humane gesture and timely support to the population and the Institute.

‘During this time of the year, it is common for us to have reduced blood supplies, so these activities are very significant for us’, Mr Jurišić said.