The Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior
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| Banja Luka | Tuesday, 23/07/2024

The Republic of Srpska ministers of the interior and justice, Mr Siniša Karan and Miloš Bukejlović, signed the Agreement on Electronic Data Exchange with the President of the Notary Chamber of the Republic of Srpska, Borislav Radić, PhD. The Agreement foresees linking the notary offices in the Republic of Srpska with the public records of the Ministry of the Interior.

The project is essential for facilitated administrative procedures, faster and more efficient service for the citizens. To be more precise, the citizens will no longer be obliged to attach their certificates on place of residence during different legal transactions with the notaries. The notaries will be able to electronically access the records on temporary and permanent place of residence of citizens and verify the data from the records in a simple way.

Minister Karan thanked the Notary Chamber that initiated this activity, and pointed out that the Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior was open for cooperation in terms of electronic data exchange from public records, and said that the RS MoI was at disposal to other interested institutions and administration bodies, banks and companies for similar activities. The Ministry of the Interior enables the verification of personal data in accordance with the law free of charge.

The Republic of Srpska Ministry of Justice, Mr Miloš Bukejlović, said that electronic data exchange would result in more efficient functioning of the notary system, and that the Ministry of Justice would carry out the coordination and monitoring over the Notary Chamber and the notaries, as defined in the Agreement.

”The Agreement would facilitate the work of the notaries in the Republic of Srpska because it would speed up the processing of data and thus contribute to the more efficient procedures with the notaries. On the other hand, the citizens of the Republic of Srpska will be able to carry out legal transactions with the notaries in one place”, said Minister Bukejlović.

The President of the Notary Chamber of the Republic of Srpska, Borislav Radić, PhD pointed out that the importance of signing this Agreement is reflected in the fact that enabling the electronic exchange of data facilitates and speeds up the work process of notaries, because citizens on the territory of the Republic of Srpska will not be obliged to go to police administration and obtain certificates of residence. He noted that linking these two institutions was very important for the notary service, since the public institutions once again expressed their trust in the notaries who together with all other stakeholders worked on achieving one common goal – fast and efficient procedures.

When performing notarial services, notaries will use the established service for the purpose of obtaining data on the address of temporary/permanent residence for natural persons, i.e. citizens who use their services, all in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Notary Services in the Republic of Srpska ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", 28/ 21) and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", 13/24).